Huruf Hidup (Vokal/Vowels)
아 = A
어 = EO (O')
오 = O
요 = YO
으 = EU
이 = I
애 = AE
에 = E
야 = YA
여 = YEO (YO')
요 = YO
유 = YU
얘 = YAE
예 = YE
와 = WA
왜 = WAE
워 = WO'
웨 = WE
외 = OE
위 = WI
의 = UI
Huruf Mati (Konsonan/Consonants)
ㄱ = Giyeuk (G/K)
ㄴ = Nieun (N)
ㄷ = Digeut (D/T)
ㄹ = Rieul (R/L)
ㅁ = Mieum (M)
ㅂ = Bieup (B/P)
ㅅ = Siyot (S)
ㅇ = Ieung (NG)
ㅈ = Jieut (J/C)
ㅊ = Chieut (Ch)
ㅋ = Kieuk (Kh)
ㅌ = Tieut (Th)
ㅍ = Pieup (Ph)
ㅎ = Hieuh (H)
ㄲ = Ssang Giyeuk (GG)
ㄸ = Ssang Digeut (DD/TT)
ㅃ = Ssang Bieup (BB/PP)
ㅆ = Ssang Siyot (SS)
ㅉ = Ssang Jieut (JJ/CC)
cr : fibby
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Masih Tentang Hangul
Penulis : rierie_destiny on Monday, 8 February 2010 | 14:12
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