記者林曉娟/台北報導 Reported by Lin Hsiao Chuan / Taipei
以韓版「流星花園」一劇走紅亞洲的 具惠善受邀來台拍攝代言台灣觀光廣告,走訪宜蘭、北投等地,體驗婚嫁、歌仔戲等傳統文化,還趁機泡溫泉,讓她大呼:「好幸福。」 具惠善因為演出韓版「流星花園」中的金絲草一角,打開亞洲知名度,上個月她也親自來台領取「Yahoo!奇摩搜尋人氣大獎」的海外女藝人獎。
Ku Hye Sun, who rise to stardom in Asia through the Korean drama BOF, was invited to Taiwan to film the advertisement for Taiwan Tourism Bureau. She visited Yilan & Peitou to experience the traditional culture such as wedding, opera and etc., she also took the opportunity to try the hot springs and she expressed she felt like in the state of bliss.
Since KHS played the role of Guem Jandi in BOF, she has attracted high awareness in Asia, and she came to Taiwan personally last month to receive the Yahoo! Asia Buzz Award.
Taiwan Tourism Bureau spotted her high popularity among the young population, hoping to attract more young visitors to Taiwan through her endorsement. The advertisement will be aired on TV in Japan and Korea, while Taiwan fans could only see that on the Internet. In regards to the endorsement fee, Tourism Bureau declined to disclose.
這 陣子具惠善正忙著籌備首部執導的長篇電影「妖術」,她排出空檔與6位工作人員抵台,到宜蘭傳藝中心,體驗台灣嫁娶以及歌仔戲等傳統文化儀式,她透露,拍攝 過程中她試著要學歌仔戲演員擺身段,但實在太複雜困難。被問及是否憧憬當新嫁娘,她害羞表示,現在把心思都放在工作上,還沒有結婚的衝動。
Recently KHS is busy with the preparation for her first directorial project, the full-length film "Magic". She squeeze her schedule to come to Taiwan with six staff. KHS visited the Yilan Traditional Arts Center, to experience Taiwan's traditional culture such as wedding ceremony and opera. She revealed that she tried to learn Taiwanese opera during the shoot, but it's too complicated and difficult. When she was asked if she long for being a bride, she shyly said that she wants to concentrate on her work right now and doesn't have the impulse to get married yet.
Hye Sun will film a MV today with the Taiwan Tourism Ambassador "Fahrenheit" and is expected to stay in Taiwan for three days. she expressed that she felt very fresh about experiencing different cultures in Taiwan.
cr: meow13/susAmerica@soompi.com
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