ride on the high popularity of Taiwan's well-known idol group FRH and the new generation of Korean actress KHS, the Tourism Bureau specifically invited them to shoot a music video, hoping to introduce Taiwan's beautiful scenery, delicious food to the foreign countries, and to attract more Japanese and Korean, aged below 35, to visit Taiwan.
連 續第3年擔任台灣觀光大使的飛輪海,在海外擁有高知名度,14日下午在台北市花卉博覽會展館的「舞蝶館」,與韓劇「流星花園」女主角具惠善在凜冽寒風中拍 攝「touch your heart」MV。飛輪海與具惠善第一次見面合作,彼此都留下不錯印象。飛輪海:『(原音)促進我們台灣的觀光,每個人都會帶她去一個地方,那個地方的特 色可能是風景或是美食,最後晚上我們好像會帶她一起去最有名的士林夜市,然後到時候要邊吃邊拍。』
FRH, being the Taiwan tourism ambassador for 3 consecutive years, has high reputation in overseas. On the 14th afternoon in Taipei Flower Expo Pavilion "Butterfly Museum", they filmed the MV "Touch you heart" with KHS in freezing cold wind. this is the first time meeting & co-operation between FRH & KHS, both gave good impressions to each other. FRH said, "to promote Taiwan's tourism, each of us will take her to a place, which might be renowned for its scenery or food, lastly tonight we will bring her to Shihlin, the most famous night market. we will be eating while filming at that time."
為了培養雙方默契,飛輪海還教導具惠善如何製作台灣春捲,具惠 善也發揮創意,把家鄉美味的韓國泡菜包在春捲裡。飛輪海說:『(原音)韓式口味、Korea Style,聽說他們韓國好像也有叫做「八寶菜」,就是一樣跟這個(台灣春捲)類似,但是可以包8種菜色,那我們台灣呢?沒有任何限定,喜歡什麼就包什 麼,看吳尊就是看到他就知道,他什麼都喜歡。』
To cultivate their understanding, FRH teach KHS how to make Taiwanese spring rolls, and KHS also adds in her creativity, and wrapped kimchi inside spring rolls. FRH said, "Korean taste, Korea Style, we have heard that Korean also have something called "eight treasures dish", which is similar to Taiwanese spring rolls, but you can put 8 ingredients inside. then how about Taiwan? There is no limitation, you can put anything in as you like. you'll know when you look at Wu Zun, he likes everything."
媒體要具惠善比較、飾演韓國 流星花園的F4與飛輪海成員,到底誰比較帥氣?這時候具惠善露出淺淺笑容,直說每個人都很有特色、很親切;但她覺得飛輪海比較幽默搞笑,而且既然來到台 灣,當然是飛輪海比較帥。這兩天台灣氣溫下降到攝氏10度以下、相當寒冷,但具惠善認為跟韓國目前零下負10幾度的低溫相較,台灣天氣就像韓國春季,她希 望未來有更多機會來台灣到處走走看看。
Media asked KHS to compare FRH with Korean F4 to see who is more handsome. KHS smiled and said that everyone is unique and is very kind, but she felt FRH are more humorous, and since she came to Taiwan, of course she would answer that FRH are more handsome. These 2 days the weather in Taiwan was very cold with the temperature dropped to below 10 degrees Celsius. but KHS said that as compared to the minus 10 degree in Korea, the weather in Taiwan is just like Spring, and she hoped that she would have more opportunities to travel around Taiwan in future.

cr : DC, minje&meow13@soompi
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