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Style episode 6

Penulis : rierie_destiny on Wednesday, 3 March 2010 | 18:39

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Kim Min Joon menawari Lee Seo Jung tinggal di rumahnya bersamanya. Leo Seo Jung sempat kaget. "Kamu emang nyaman tinggal bersama dengan teman dan pacar temanmu", kata Min Joon "Aku bukan sepasang sepatu yang bisa dipindah tempat begitu saja", kata Seo
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Jang Geun Seuk’s Taiwan Fans get fraud in ticket sal

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Aktor Jang Geun Seuk yang sedang mengadakan jumpa fans di tur Asia nya harus bersedih melihat fans nya terkena penipuan penjualan tiket di Taiwan. Jang Geun Seok yang akan mengadakan jumpa fans di Taiwan, Taipei pada 7 Maret besok, terkena berita bahwa
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Jumong - Prince of The Legend : Episode 2

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Iron Army tidak bisa menemukan Hae Mo Su di gubuk itu. Mereka menuduh Yoo Hwa menyelamatkan dan menyembunyikan Hae Mo Su. Iron Army: Bunuh semua klan HaBaek. Iron Army menyerang HaBaek, membunuh semua penduduk HaBaek dan membakar klan mereka. Yoo Hwa d
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Jumong - Prince of The Legend : Episode 1

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Tahun 108 Sebelum Masehi, sebuah negara besar bernama GoJoSeon berusaha menyerang negara Han melewati Pulau Han Ban dan Gurun Liao Dong. Setelah 1 tahun berperang, negara GoJoSeon mengalami kekalahan. Setelah kekalahan itu, Han menduduki wilayah Nak Rang
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Jumong - Prince of The Legend

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

ki-ka : Jumong, Soh Suh No, Geum Hwa, Lady Yoo Hwa, Dae So Produksi : MBC, 2006 Sutradara : Lee Joo Hwan Screenwriters : Jung Hyung Soo dan Choi Wan Kyu Episode : 81 Casts, Song Il Gook as King Jumong Han Hye Jin as Soh Suh No Kim Seung Soo as Princ
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Lee Seung Gi mau ke Indonesia??

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Denger-denger Lee Seung Gi mau Ke Indonesia??? BY : Project baru W Production : Fanmeeting Lee seung gi Ada beberapa offers dari Korea untuk FM. Salah satunya adalah untuk Lee Seung Gi. Dia main di film seri “Brilliant Legacy” yang ditayangin di In
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[vid] We Got Married ep 1 Eng sub

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

cr:NulSarangHaeS3 @Youtubeshared by codeazzurindo Please Repost with Full Credit and include our link..Thanks..^^
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[CF] NII – Yong Hwa and Si Yoon

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

* bonus [PICS] 100225 SBS Jung Sun Hee LoveFM, Min Hyuk Credit : +, cnbluesoul@YT shared by codeazzurindo Please Repost with Full Credit and include our link..Thanks..^^
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Jung Woo Sung and Cha Seung Won for IRIS 2!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Yes, the wait is over. Part of the cast of IRIS 2, the sequel for the hit drama IRIS, has been revealed. Though it’s been referred to as IRIS 2, the real name is Athena: War’s Goddess, Athena for short. Top actors Jung Woo Sung and Cha Seung Won has bot
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Gong Yoo wraps up Japan fan meeting in success

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Korean actor Gong Yoo successfully wrapped up his fan meetings in Japan over the weekend, his first in three years since being discharged from the military last December, according to his agency N.O.A. Entertainment.The actor met with some 7,000 fans --
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